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On Sunday 19 May we will celebrate Pentecost with three special services at Kew and Mont Albert North, I look forward to preaching at all of the services.  Andrew White has advised that the Coffee Cart at Kew will be open for pre-Service coffee, so don't get your take-away on your way to Church, instead bring your Keep-Cup to Kew and grab a coffee before the service.  After the morning services we will be all meeting up at Deepdene Park for a bring-and-share lunch so there will not be our usual morning tea after these services but rather an encouragement to move the conversation to our lunch location.

Following the morning services this Sunday 19 May there will be a Bring and Share Picnic Lunch at Deepdene Park at 120 Whitehorse Road. Now I know what you're thinking, it's a 'big punt' planning an outdoor event in May. And you're right! But it's good to give new initiatives a go! We have booked an indoor area at the park and they also have outdoor covered areas, kids play equipment and Jo will be bringing some extra activities. So be brave, grab some winter coats, a rug or some camp chairs and join us for our Church Pentecost Party at Deepdene Park from midday. Note that there will not be morning tea after the service but the Coffee Cart will open for pre-service coffee.

My strong encouragement is that all of us from all campuses and services make an effort to attend part of the day even if you ordinarily worship in the evening!  I expect we will be at the park from around midday until 3:00/3:30 pm.
- Lead Minister