Give to see lives transformed

Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving using the options below.

Three Ways to Give

At Church
by cash, card or cheque
Give with Square
(via iPhone)
Bank Transfer
using your banking app or website
BSB: 633-000
Account Numb
er: 134 986 348

One of the disciplines in the Christian life is to surrender a portion of what we earn to Kingdom ministry through the Church community where we belong. The Hebrew scriptures encouraged believers to give a tithe (literally one tenth) of their income.  At St Hilary’s we believe that this is a good starting place. We will never pressure you to give a certain amount or disclose your giving practice, we simply ask that prayerfully before God you start with a 10% principal and ask God to show you what and how to give. The biblical principle is that we give from our treasure, prayerfully, sacrificially and joyfully. When we allow God to fulfil our needs, we find that He always blesses us above and beyond anything we could have managed by ourselves. 

Give to our Capital Appeal

Give via bank transfer: 

Capital Appeal
Account Name: St Hilary’s Education Centre
BSB: 633-000
Account Number: 135 110 617

Or clicking this button below

Finance Team

  • Chief Finance Officer
  • Accountant
Mobile-giving app
Give using the our Church App.