We are a praying Church and we provide many regular opportunities for prayer as well as resources and training.

Individual prayer ministry is available at most of our Sunday services and more intentional prayer by appointment is also accessible. A confidential prayer circle can be contacted to uphold your intercessions in prayer. No need is too small, we’d love to pray with you.

You can find out more about the different ministries below.

Weekly Prayer Nights
We gather on Monday nights to pray together as a church community following a monthly rhythm.

The 1st Monday of each month is our main Intercessory Prayer night, where we aim to pray for the world, the Church and the community around us. We usually have a theme for these nights to help guide our prayer.

These nights all run 8:00-9:00pm at our Mont Albert North Campus (24 Rostrevor Parade, Mont Albert North).

This is the most important thing we can be doing as the people of God, if you do nothing else this month, come and pray with us! - Adam, Lead Minister

Prayer by Appointment
An intentional and confidential prayer space.

This is an individual private prayer time, guided by two prayer leaders. It is confidential and an opportunity for extended specific prayer, for you to receive from the Lord. The prayer leaders will encourage you to pursue a deeper relationship with the Lord and healing in Jesus’ Name. Prayer seekers testify to physical healing, feeling a weight lifted, a hope and freedom from past struggles, and refreshment of joy. This can be for you. 

Appointments are available on Mondays 1-2.30pm or 8-9.30pm and may be booked using the email prayerbyappointment@sthils.com.

Prayer Room
A dedicated space for personal prayer and encounter with God

In response to a growing broad-based desire for prayer and the 24-7 Prayer Movement, St Hil's now has its own prayer room.

The Prayer Room is available during Office Hours, and you can book a time to pray at sthils.com/prayerroom. (This will take you to our booking page on the 24-7 Prayer website)

If you'd like to access the Prayer Room at other times or as a group, then contact Liz Webster using the form below to arrange access.

Confidential Prayer Circle
A way to have your requests shared with our prayer team.

We have a team of people from across our church who would love to lift your requests to God in prayer. This team receives all prayer requests with full confidentiality and prays for you during their individual prayer times.

If you've got something that you'd like our team to pray for, email prayercircle@sthils.com

Prayer Requests

If you have a prayer request you can let us know using this form:

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